Most automobiles come from the factory without the provisions for front license plates due to the fact that many states and countries do not require a front plate. The last thing you want to do is drill holes in your very expensive bumper cover just to mount that ugly front tag. Rennline's billet license plate mount eliminates the need to drill and allows you to easily remove your plate for shows, track events or anytime it is not needed.This design allows you to adjust your plates location by height, width and angle. Unlike any other designs on the market, we have engineered this system to be easily removed from the car without first removing your license plate and plate frame. All components are stainless, powder coated or anodized to withstand daily driving conditions.
Fits the following models:
- 2003-2016 Cayenne models
Suncoast Note: The plate mount is a left-hand thread and needs to be turned counter-clockwise to tighten, and it will also not thread by hand. You need to use a 16mm hex for tightening. The threads are larger than factory for a reason, this prevents high speed vibrations which will loosen the mount.